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Would you like to travel around 

Colombia by Motorbike?

We offer all-inclusive guided motorcycle tours in Colombia, including motorbike rental of medium and high powered motorcycles in six tours to suit your riding skill, budget and time schedule ready to enjoy anytime of the year.

About us

Where the memories start...

We are just two biker couples, one from UK and the other from Colombia, who have known each other since 2010. Since meeting we have ridden together on different routes across Colombia and the world. Shareing an affinity of the touring style of riding and the landscapes and roads of Colombia. We decided to give the opportunity to other bikers to enjoy this experience. We offer the unique benefit of having a UK based contact and Colombian hosts/guides who know the best places to visit,... whilst enjoying a passion for motorbikes


Top Countries - 10 destinations you cannot afford to miss


Decades of civil war and violent crime meant Colombian passport stamps were once for hardcore travellers only. Fast forward to the present day, and the lost years seem but a dust speck in Colombia’s rear-view mirror. There are no world wonders, but the country’s mix of vibrant culture, nature and hospitality is a rich tapestry woven by welcoming arms.

21 reasons why Colombia should be your next holiday destination


Once synonymous with cocaine cartels, kidnappings and corruption, the last two decades have seen Colombia evolve from failed narco state into one of Latin America’s brightest stars. The 1993 death of drug lord Pablo Escobar began this revival, which reached a new milestone this week with the signing of a peace deal between the government and FARC rebels, ending what was the longest-running war in the Western Hemisphere.


Lonely Planet has ranked Colombia as the second-best place in the world to visit in 2017


Colombia has the largest number of ecosystems in the world: tropical rainforests; Andean mountains; tropical glaciers; vast plains, coasts on two oceans with mangroves, coral reef islands, and atolls; deserts and a myriad of rivers and streams.  All happening under the tropical sun in an area smaller than twice the state of Texas. This means there are endless possibilities for adventures and exploration in Colombi

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